Dynamic pricing, on your terms

TickX Marketing Tools

TickX Analytics

Unlock the revenue and sales benefits of dynamic pricing while remaining in control of pricing decisions. Automate price changes based on a wide range of triggers to save your team time and maximize revenue.

We provide a one-stop shop for all your marketing integrations and tracking setup needs, with an array of tools available including Facebook and CRM integrations, complete ecommerce tracking and unique TickX tools designed with online ticketing in mind.

See realtime, actionable analytics in our dashboard, which lets you monitor ticket sales, revenue, performance and location all in one place. Designed in consultation with Ticketing and Marketing managers, our analytics provide teams with the data they need to drive smarter actions.

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Lightning Fast Calendar

Fully branded calendar view. Filter by seat quantity, time, price, ticket type and more with lighting fast responses.

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Intuitive Seatmaps

Seatmaps designed to pinch and zoom, with the option to find the best tickets in the house. We support complex seatmaps including tables, booths and theatres in the round.

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Offer customers a final chance to upgrade with enhanced package messaging and imagery.

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Flexible tickets for timed entry

Give customers the option to opt in to a flexible ticket without the need or additional ticket types with our Auto-flex upgrade.

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Team selection

If you are running a team based activity, give your customers the option to choose their own team with our reactive team selection module.

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Restaurant integrations

Link directly to your restaurant partner, so customers can make a reservation at the same time as booking their tickets with a 20% take-up rate

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Post purchase surveys

Understand more about your customers with our customisable surveys, which are triggered immediately post purchase- no navigation required!

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Post purchase videos

Turn your bookers into micro-influencers with personalised post-purchase videos, which are shared across social media channels

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